The way life should be….

Tag Archives: wood stoves

Summer has finally arrived in Maine.

Climbing rose bushes

We spent my brief vacation (meaning, I had to work at least 1/2 a day everyday until Friday) It was even hot at the lake, and I forgot my camera and I was to exhausted to go back to the house to get it….Mind you it’s only a 20 minute drive.

It’s 90 degrees and the humidity level is 71%.  We call that soupy weather up here.

Everyone is hot and cranky, so I caved and put the air conditioner in have it going full blast, I’m to old to suffer through this humidity anymore:(

I know I have been complaining about the weather a lot lately but this is ridiculous.  Last month we couldnt get out of the 40’s now it’s in the 90’s.  I’m looking for a cool 78 degrees, is that to much to ask?

The old saying in Maine is “If you don’t like the weather?  Just wait a minute”  Ain’t that the truth!  Thundershower, rain, possible hail this afternoon, Yeah!

Oh, and to top this day off, my husband ordered wood to be delivered……One cord at a time so I can keep up with it…..I’m not sure what to say?  Well I can’t really say what I want to say, so I’ll just leave it for his ears only:/

So if you need me for any reason you know where I’ll be……

Stacking wood

The first of 5 cord of wood

And it’s done!

People in Maine and the upper 50 have done this for hundreds of years.  It’s part of how we grew up, how we live.

Propain can’t keep up with the cold Maine weather.   Wood pellet stoves are just for decoration as far as I’m concerned.

The only way not to freeze to death in the winter and supplement your oil heat, is wood.

A lot of transplant people learn very quickly that wood saves money during the long Maine winters.

Yes it’s dirty, yes it’s hard work and a pain when it’s 20 below and it’s cold outside.  But there is nothing better than coming out of the cold into a house that has a wood fire burning.

As I read back through this post I think the heat has gotten to my head.  I started with summer and gravitated to winter….

So goes the cycle of Maine life.

~The Real Housewives of Maine~