The way life should be….

Category Archives: Maine Life

It has been one long hard winter in Maine and I for one am thankful that spring is on its way!

I  will be thankful and won’t complain once when it’s  90 degrees and the humidity is 80%.  Pinky swear.

But I have a problem that I need help with.

What color is my snow bank?

What color is my snow bank?

What color is my snow bank?

Is it white and brown?  Or brown and blue?

Wink, wink

~The real housewives of Maine

It’s that time of year, a list of a few of my favorite Maine things!

-Bean boots-Made in Maine at LL Bean, Freeport Maine these light warm boots are great for Maine winters.  I’ve had mine since 1977 they are that well made.

Bean boots from LL Bean

Bean boots from LL Bean

-Stonewall Kitchen Roasted Onion and Garlic Jam-Made in Wells Maine this jam is great on beef, pork or chicken or just out of the jar with a spoon.

Stonewall Kitchen Roasted Garlic and Onion Jam

Stonewall Kitchen Roasted Garlic and Onion Jam


-Maine Maple Syrup-The best maple syrup in the US (my personal opinion) nothing better on steel-cut oatmeal.  Check local Maine listing for a farm near you..Most farms will ship.

Maine Maple Syrup

Maine Maple Syrup

-Allagash White Beer-Made by the Allagash Brewing Company good hardy beer with a hint of citrus they come in 4 packs.

Allagash Brewing Company

Allagash Brewing Company

-Randall Cider-Randalls Orchards Standish Maine-best cider anywhere.  Randalls is in Standish Maine if you ever get a chance to try their cider I highly recommend it.

Randalls Orchard

Randalls Orchard

-Seabags Maine-Totes and bags made from old sails…Very cool indeed



Maine Lobster…Of course.  Maine has several company’s that ship all over the united States overnight this is what a real lobster looks like right out of the ocean.

Maine Lobster

Maine Lobster

SeeaGlass Soap Company-They make felted soap from Alpaca wool great Maine gift.

Seaglass Soap Company

Seaglass Soap Company

-Wicked Whoopies-These where on Oprah.  If you like whoopee pies you’re in for a treat they are awesomely sweet, sweet.   My kids get a box every year they don’t last long!

Wicked Whoopies

Wicked Whoopies

-Mack Inspired Hand made Maine dog toys, dog collars and leashes for all size pets.

Mack Inspired

Mack Inspired

These are just a few Maine made products that you can order online.  I have ordered from 4 of these companies for Christmas this year.

Shop Local!

~The real housewives of Maine





It’s snowing here in Maine.

8-12″ today to kick off the holiday season.

Snowing in Maine

Snowing in Maine

What I am thankful for this Thanksgiving…

-My grandmothers cookbooks with her hand written changes

My grandmothers cook book

My grandmothers cook book

-My grandmother crystal, silver and china for making my Thanksgiving table beautiful.

-The best apple pie recipe made with apples from my apple tree

-Squash from my garden

Roasted pumpkin and squash

Roasted pumpkin and squash

-Pumpkins from my garden for pumpkin pie

Homemade pumpkin pie

Homemade pumpkin pie

-My famous chocolate pie, made up by yours truly (I will post the recipe before Christmas)

-Home made stuffing from my home made bread

-Mr. turkey of course

-My kids, who enjoy my cooking

-My husband, who loves my cooking

-All my friends that have celebrated Thanksgiving with us over the years

and finally

-Wine, for getting me through it all…..

Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving!

~The Real Housewives of Maine





I grew up in a very old house down the street from the University of Southern Maine in Gorham.  The house housed the overflow from the woman’s dormitory in the 1870’s and I will say, out loud, that some very weird things would happen every now and then in our house.

Now I  live in a farm-house that was built-in 1864 just a half a mile west of where I grew up and sometimes our resident ghost Walter comes to visit and leaves a trail of Cigarette smoke behind him. Several of my neighbors have experienced it as well.

So I did some research of some of the most haunted Maine places, some I have been to, some I have not.  This is just a short list of places I’m familiar with…This list could go on for hundreds of pages so I shortened it to 5.  They are in no particular order of scariness.

1) Boon Island Light House: Talk of building a lighthouse on Boon Island dates back as early as 1710 when the ship Nottingham Galley ran aground on the barren outcrop that makes up the island. The crew of the  Nottingham Galley were forced to resort to cannibalism after having been stranded on the outcrop of rocks for 24 days with no food or fire before being rescued.

Boon island lighthouse is said to be the most haunted light house in Maine.  In the 19th century a lighthouse keeper was washed out to sea during a violent storm.  Stricken with grief the wife of the lighthouse keeper was stranded for days. She went mad and died 2 weeks later.   she is said to wander the shore of the light house wailing for her lost love.

Boon Island light house

Boon Island light house









2)  Newfield Maine-The Old Straw Farm:   Legend has it that Gideon Straw built his home and moved into it with his many children in the hill country of Newfield Maine.  In the winter of 1826 it is said that Gideon’s daughter Hanna died.  Being that it was in the middle of the cold winter months, they were unable to bury Hanna outdoors properly.  So what they did was pull up the floor boards and dig a grave in the warmer ground under kitchen area of the house.  This is where they placed Hanna’s body and marked it with a grave stone set in the floor.

Now there is a lot of speculation on whether it was Hannah or someone else was placed under the kitchen. Regardless, persons living in the private home for the last 30 years have indeed confirmed sightings, strange noises and other odd things happening regularly.  Newfield is in the middle of no where and a very small population over a very large area….Ones imagination could get out of control.

Hannah straw farm

3) Bucksport Cemetery-Bucksport Maine:  Johnathan Buck was Born in Woburn, Mass., Feb. 20, 1719, Buck grew up in Haverhill, Mass. On Oct. 19, 1742,
Buck married Lydia Morse. They had nine children, six of whom survived childhood.
In July of 1762, Buck sailed the sloop Sally up the Penobscot River to survey six plantations sites which have since been designated Bucksport, Orland, Penobscot (Castine), Sedgwick, Blue Hill areas. Buck made another trip to the Plantations in 1763, and in 1764 and began construction of the first Plantation in the present town of Bucksport.
Buck joined the disastrous expedition to Castine and the siege of Fort George in July of 1779. The day after the Patriots humiliating defeat by the British, Buck took his wife and seriously ill daughter, Lydia,
to safety in Brewer.

Five years later he returned to the Plantation and rebuilt everything that had been destroyed by the British. Buck and his sons were leaders of the community, and in 1792 Plantation No. 1 was renamed Buckstown in Col. Jonathan’s honor. Now known as Bucksport.

Johnathan Buck would have probably been left to rest in piece had the appearance of a leg/foot on his grave stone had not appeared.  Over the years I have heard many versions of the story behind the foot, but the one that seems to be the most re-told version is that Buck’s mistress for many years was pregnant with their second child, Buck was tired of the woman and accused her of being a witch (an assured death sentence in the mid 1700’s) as she stood on the gallows with the noose around her neck, she pointed to him and said “I will come back and dance on thee grave for all eternity”

Fast forward 235 years.  The monument has been replaced several times by the Buck family and the same foot imprint keeps returning…Creepy!

Johnathan Buck

Johnathan Buck

4) Robie-Andrews Hall, University of Southern Maine, Gorham campus:  It is said that Robie-Andrews Hall at the University of Southern Maine Gorham Campus is haunted. The dorm is the oldest building on campus and in the 1800s was an all girl teachers college. I have heard two stories about deaths in the building.

The first resident ghost is that of a girl who committed suicide by hanging after she became pregnant and her boyfriend broke up with her.

The second story is that a young girl either jumped or was pushed to her death while a number of people were congregating outside the same building.

Students report hearing strange noises in the attic and finding cold spots in the building. Some report seeing a woman standing in the tower, even though the tower has been sealed off and there is no way to get up there.

The room next door to the attic is no longer used by students due to the strange occurrences that have taken place over the years.  Cold spots and flickering lights just to name a few.  Some have even said they felt like someone was grabbing their arm..

I had a couple of friends that lived at Robie-Andrews Hall and they have told me that it wasn’t scary just strange.  Lights would turn off by themselves, things would be moved, doors that were shut would be open when they got back. One friend said she had misplaced a book for 2 weeks and it was found on the stairs leading to the attic….Sounds scary to me.

Robie-Andrews Hall is used by the art department now housing art and theatrical students, fitting I think.

Robie-Andrews Hall

Robie-Andrews Hall

5)  Anderson Cemetery-Windham Maine:  Off the River Road in Windham, Maine is the site of the Anderson Cemetery.  138 acres were originally settled by Abraham and Anna Anderson in 1738  the same Anderson family has owned the house 276 years.

It is an unassuming plot of land not really visible from the road, if you don’t pay attention you will miss the entrance.  The immediate area was site to Indian riots and massacres of several families in the late 1700’s.  Legend has it that one family on the farm across the street stayed held up in their farm-house for 3 days under Indian attack and on the 3rd day the Indians set the house on fire and killed 5 family members; 2 brothers escaped.

The second story around the area is of two small girls that disappeared.  It is believed that they drowned in one of the outside wells. Some have said you can hear them laughing and playing in the cemetery.

Lastly, many people have gone to the cemetery to see “ghosts”.  Many have said they have gotten back to their cars only to find them moved 6-7ft.  Doors are wide open when they were positive they had been locked and all the lights in the car were on.

I have been to Anderson Cemetery and there is something creepy about it, I’m not sure what it is.  That whole area of River Road is creepy and at night it becomes even scarier.  I am not usually bothered by scary things at night, but I don’t think I would ever go to Anderson Cemetery by myself at night, even on a bet.

Anderson Cemetery

Anderson Cemetery

I was only going to list five but I really had to put a sixth one because I have been here too.  And, well it’s down right scary.

So last but not least,

6)  Rt 2A Haynesville Maine– This rural section of road in northern Maine off  U.S. Route 2  is calledRoute 2 A”. The stretch of road runs through what is known as the “Haynesville Woods”  located in the town of Haynesville in the southern portion of Aroostook County. Before the construction of I95, U.S. Route 2 was one of the most widely utilized thoroughfares by truck drivers hauling potatoes and lumber out of the State of Maine. This isolated (and I mean isolated)stretch of road is treacherous from November to April and has one particularly sharp curve of nearly 90 degrees.  Up until the late 60’s the road was dirt making driving precarious at best.  Potato trucks and logging trucks were sometimes 3 tailors long. Making travel very dangerous.

Logging truck

Logging truck

This stretch of road gained notoriety through a song written by  former truck driver Dick Curless. The song titled “A Tombstone Every Mile” is in reference to the many fatal accidents with trucks and cars over the years. You can listen to it here:

The one story told is that of a young lady that has been seen suddenly, appearing out of no where in front of a vehicle or walking along the road seeming to walk with a limp. Many have reported offering this young lady a ride which she accepts stating that her and her newly wed husband had been in a car accident and were in need of assistance. Upon entering the vehicle some of those who have picked her up said that they experienced the sensation of coldness surrounding this woman. Upon nearing the end of what the locals refer to as the Haynesville woods, the lady seemingly vanishes into thin air. According to legend, this apparition is thought to be that of a young lady who had  recently married and traveling with her husband down the road when the vehicle struck a pole. The man died instantly, the woman managed to free herself only to die some time later from exposure to the freezing cold.

haynesville woods




Another experience involves that of a young girl. As is very similar to the reports of the newly wed lady, she is seen walking along the roadside and is offered a ride by some only to seemingly disappear after a short time. Some of the locals say it is the ghost of a young girl who was fatally killed by tractor trailer while walking along Route 2. While this exact story has not been confirmed, town records do reveal that two females who were ten years of age both died in Haynesville on August 22, 1967. Whether or not these incident could be related to the sightings of the young apparition is not clear. One thing that is for certain is that this rural stretch of road located in northern Maine has gained the reputation as being one of the most haunted places in Maine.

Having  been on the stretch of road at night in the winter, there is no place on earth so remote and so desolate as the Haynesville woods.

Happy Halloween

~The real housewives of Maine~



In case you missed it?  American Idol was in Maine today.  This is so darn exciting!!

I know a couple of people that tried out and waiting a to hear:)

Giving a shout out to all my Maine peeps!!

~This real Maine housewife~









Summer has finally arrived in Maine.

Climbing rose bushes

We spent my brief vacation (meaning, I had to work at least 1/2 a day everyday until Friday) It was even hot at the lake, and I forgot my camera and I was to exhausted to go back to the house to get it….Mind you it’s only a 20 minute drive.

It’s 90 degrees and the humidity level is 71%.  We call that soupy weather up here.

Everyone is hot and cranky, so I caved and put the air conditioner in have it going full blast, I’m to old to suffer through this humidity anymore:(

I know I have been complaining about the weather a lot lately but this is ridiculous.  Last month we couldnt get out of the 40’s now it’s in the 90’s.  I’m looking for a cool 78 degrees, is that to much to ask?

The old saying in Maine is “If you don’t like the weather?  Just wait a minute”  Ain’t that the truth!  Thundershower, rain, possible hail this afternoon, Yeah!

Oh, and to top this day off, my husband ordered wood to be delivered……One cord at a time so I can keep up with it…..I’m not sure what to say?  Well I can’t really say what I want to say, so I’ll just leave it for his ears only:/

So if you need me for any reason you know where I’ll be……

Stacking wood

The first of 5 cord of wood

And it’s done!

People in Maine and the upper 50 have done this for hundreds of years.  It’s part of how we grew up, how we live.

Propain can’t keep up with the cold Maine weather.   Wood pellet stoves are just for decoration as far as I’m concerned.

The only way not to freeze to death in the winter and supplement your oil heat, is wood.

A lot of transplant people learn very quickly that wood saves money during the long Maine winters.

Yes it’s dirty, yes it’s hard work and a pain when it’s 20 below and it’s cold outside.  But there is nothing better than coming out of the cold into a house that has a wood fire burning.

As I read back through this post I think the heat has gotten to my head.  I started with summer and gravitated to winter….

So goes the cycle of Maine life.

~The Real Housewives of Maine~


I don’t own a farm, but I live next door to one.  And this is why I love rural America.

My youngest son helps out at Young’s farm a couple of days a week.  He grains the calves, makes sure all the barn cats have water and hays the cows.  It’s a lot of work for a 9-year-old boy (or so he tells me)  I smile because he will most likely be the last of his generation to know what a working family farm is.


I won’t get on my soap box and shake my fist in furry that it’s not fair that the working family farms have to struggle so….Or maybe I should.  But I won’t, but I really want to:(  But I won’t.

I do think that it’s a work ethic that will be lost in a couple of generations.  Rise before the sun, bed at sun set.  Working in 100 degree heat and below 0 wind chill.  Very few industries work in all conditions like the farmer.

So the other day I went down to take a few pictures.  Farmer Walt told me to take as many as I’d like but not of him…I snuck a few of him while he wasn’t paying attention:)  But I wont post them  I’ll keep them close.  I did get some great ones of my son and a couple of the ladies in the barn.

Cameron and the little Jersey

Cameron and the little Jersey

And of some hay


And of my son being a farm hand

Farm work

Farm work

And of  Tyler and him goofing around

Tyler and Cameron

As I was trolling the barn, my son yells out watch out mom they’re cleaning the calf barn and poop!!!!!……Yeah stepped in it.

It’s not the first time and I doubt it will be the last and my habit of never wearing the right shoes haunts me everyday, new sneakers are now old sneakers.  I doubt my gym friends would appreciate the smell of nature as they are working out.

But all in all a fun hour down at the farm, reliving my childhood. Loving the smell of fresh-cut hay and the just the smell of a barn.

And that my son has this experience to take with him and to keep the memories of what farming used to be like.

The only draw back is the my dog loves the farm too, and loves to role in the cow patty’s…..He desperately needs a bath, PEW!!!

~The Real Housewives of Maine



I grew up with a neighborhood full of boys, no brothers.   For a long while I was the only girl in the neighborhood.

Boys are so different from girls

So when I had boys I thought I would just love them and they would not be like those really ridiculous neighborhood boys that you could triple dog dare into riding their bikes off the train bridge into the river, or eat a cat food sandwich or who you could dare to balance crow bars off there forehead and both ended up in the emergency room for stitches.

Or those rotten boys that would wait for you in the trees when it was dark and scare the living be-jesus out of you while you were walking home.

Or take your training bra off the cloths line and bring it on the bus…

Do I sound bitter?

Not my boys, my boys were not going to be like that at all.

The naivety of a first time mother, I really want those days back.  Truley.

We started school vacation with a bang!

My father in-laws bought my youngest son a gas powered scooter.  Now I’m thinking this will go a cool 5 miles an hour as long as he wears his helmet what can be the harm?  He couldn’t get hurt doing 5 miles an hour?


So let me just say that there is very little difference between men and boys as far as for thought and what might happen?  Men cannot think that far ahead. It has a motor, it will be fun.

I thought the scooter was safe.

So when my neighbor Sweetie called me and told me to come quick Cameron has fallen off the scooter and hes cut up really bad, I couldn’t imagine what he had done?

He has a nice cut up his back that’s going to leave a scare and he has hurt his ribs…I’m thinking how could this have happened? Was he messing around?  Not paying attention?

Well then I got on it to bring it home.

Disclaimer:  Someone could have made a lot of money on AFV and I was swearing like a pirate.

This scooter goes about 35 mph wide open, I nearly (I’m going to say it) crapped my pants when I gave it some gas……Wheeled….Landed….Went from one side of the road to the other…..Screaming….Wobbling, trying to keep myself up right.  It has a handlebar throttle so the more I tried to slow down the more my body would be forced forward the faster I would go.

I was hitting bumps, going off into the ditches, at this point I’m just hanging on and had a plan that when I get to my lawn I’m just going to jump off and land where I may.

I let go of the throttle…..I kept going….The throttle was stuck, well wasn’t that just swell!  I am so mad at this point, because I don’t deal well with upset at all…I’m just mad!

I finally pull the throttle all the way back and come to screeching halt, I jump off and have to run 7-8 steps before I can catch myself, and land face down in the dirt.

I am cursing my father in-law 5 ways to Sunday for buying the machine from hell, I stomp back over to the scooter pick it up and realized half the neighborhood is heading up the hill some running, some…..Well it looks like they’re laughing.  Really?  Laughing?

Sweetie is first to reach me and exclaim “That is the funniest  thing I have ever seen!”

“Well I’m glad I could entertain you Sweetie” I said  “And your never getting fried broccoli from me again!”

And all the boys were saying.  “Can I try out the scooter?   Will you show me how to wheelie like you did?”  Uhm….No I will not!

My son was bringing up the rear, holding his side, laughing and wincing all at the same time….”Hey mom the throttle is sticking, can you fix that?”

NO, I cannot fix that,  and thanks for telling me son!

“Mom, you are awesome!  How did you stay on, when you hit the ditch?   Can you show me how to do that?”

I threw up my hands, picked up the scooter and walked to the barn thinking…

My boys are those same boys (SIGH) someone is going to triple dog dare them and they are going to do it.  They are going to eat a cat food sandwich for a $1.00 and show their scars as badges of honor…

Boys are different from girls.

I went in poured myself a glass of wine, trying to get my wits about me and salvage what was left of my pride.  I listened to all the neighborhood boys laugh at my antics and Sweetie defending me, Sweetie the only girl in the group.  Sweetie, who will be triple dog daring every one of those boys to eat a cat food sandwich:)

Because girls are different from boys:)






The upper 50 know what this means, so for all you southerners you’re in for a lesson in spring in Maine

Mud season is from April 1st to sometime in May.  This would all depend on the snow melt, temperature and snow accumulation and then snow melt again.

This is my least favorite time of year in Maine, Why, you might ask? MUD and SAND!

Mothers around New England curse these two things.

We get so much snow and ice, the towns sand the roads, a lot!

Sand gets in you driveway, in your garage, on your porch…I swear someone dumps it in my mud room every night.

Mud room-meaning-an entry way or room that mud and sand are a constant from April to May…


Mine isn’t’ technically a room, its my barn, but I don’t know what I would do without it.

These are my boots and two of my daughters boot and my youngest son’s boots…This is what we have to wear in the spring, at least they have made them a little more attractive for women:)  Mine are the leopard print, purrrrr,

And this another serious problem,


This is my truck, It was washed 2 weeks ago…..

I guess I deserve it not keeping it cleaner, it could be worse it could say wash me…or kick me or worse things like POOP.  You laugh, I drove around for 3 days with that on the tailgate until some nice woman came over to me in the grocery store parking lot and told me.  Yeah, my kids are great….

And I was going to wash it today, but it’s going to rain tomorrow, so I’ll just park it outside and let mother nature rinse it off.  Friday is another day.

~The way life should be



It’s a tradition in the great state of Maine to have Maple Sunday…

The third Sunday in March, local Maine sugar houses from Madawaska to Kittery have an early pancake breakfast to sample the amazing bounty produced by Maine maples trees (Vermont has nothing on us)

You can then move on to the store and try some more maple syrup with vanilla ice cream, maple candy and maple sugar… Then move on to the boiling room where all the magic happens.

The local Maine farmers have capitalized on this wonderful day, usually having animals to pet, wagon rides and hay pyramids for the kids to climb

When I was a kids you just went to the farm next door with a bowl of vanilla ice cream and ask for a little on the top…Very fond memories indeed.

My neighbor still boils sap in his barn.  We supply him with sap from our trees and we get about a half-gallon worth of Maple syrup, that lasts us about a year.

Maple syrup never goes bad……Just a little FYI

So if your up in our neck of the woods, try some real Maine Maple Syrup, you won’t be disappointed:)
