The way life should be….

Tag Archives: Thanksgiving

It’s snowing here in Maine.

8-12″ today to kick off the holiday season.

Snowing in Maine

Snowing in Maine

What I am thankful for this Thanksgiving…

-My grandmothers cookbooks with her hand written changes

My grandmothers cook book

My grandmothers cook book

-My grandmother crystal, silver and china for making my Thanksgiving table beautiful.

-The best apple pie recipe made with apples from my apple tree

-Squash from my garden

Roasted pumpkin and squash

Roasted pumpkin and squash

-Pumpkins from my garden for pumpkin pie

Homemade pumpkin pie

Homemade pumpkin pie

-My famous chocolate pie, made up by yours truly (I will post the recipe before Christmas)

-Home made stuffing from my home made bread

-Mr. turkey of course

-My kids, who enjoy my cooking

-My husband, who loves my cooking

-All my friends that have celebrated Thanksgiving with us over the years

and finally

-Wine, for getting me through it all…..

Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving!

~The Real Housewives of Maine