The way life should be….

Tag Archives: Rescue dogs

I am a dog lover.  I am an animal lover in general but dogs are special to me.

Blue our Blue Healer

We  adopted a 16 month old Blue Healer about a year ago, he was a rescue from Mississippi, well-trained and the sweetest dog ever.

I had no idea what this breed of dog was?  Or what it did or does? ….Well, I can tell you we’ve had a huge education in the last year.

Blue Healers are herding dogs, they like to herd things, including people.

They nip, especially if someone steps outside the herding process. Teenage girls do not like to be herded…

He loves to jump.

He has ridiculous habits, such as, he won’t go outside by himself….

He likes to crawl under the covers at night and put his cold nose on my feet

And he eats sticks.


Blue runs, really, really, really, really fast…

He is super smart.  He listens better than the kids most of the time.

He can catch a Frisbee 8 feet off the ground and then chews it into little pieces.

Blue in Action

We don’t have any Frisbee’s left so it’s the deflated red ball or my daughters really expensive soccer ball.

soccer ball

But at the end of the day when he’s worn himself out he will quietly lay down….On his back and watches movies with the kids:)

Cameron and blue

Sometimes I think he’s somewhat human…

~The real housewives  of Maine~