Just a few things to get ready for the Christmas season.

My Christmas shopping is done:)  I know there will be a lot of haters but you get the best deals right after schools starts or the month of October when no ones shopping.  Not only do I get great deals but my blood pressure is not off the charts trying to deal with other holiday shoppers.

Shop Amazon, this has been a godsend to me especially things that the kids specifically want that I don’t have to hunt  down in the store, just point and click.  I also have Prime which saves on shipping.  If it’s not prime I don’t purchase it.

Wrap on Friday nights with a glass (or 2) of wine.  Again have been doing this for years and can’t tell you how happy I am when the first weekend in December arrives and I have 3-4 christmas parties to attend every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until December 24th and know that I don’t have to stress about it all….I am done wrapping too.

Join a wine club and save your bottles throughout the year to give as gifts to the neighbors, not only to you get great wine deals/gifts you get to try them with you neighbors.

Make a homemade gift if you can.

If you come from a large family, draw names…My 5 kids have been doing this for about 10 years.  Again cuts down on stress and saves money.

Take the months of October and November to de-clutter.  I have been to Goodwill twice this week.  It’s amazing how much one family can accumulate in 6 months

Have Christmas cards ready to go.  I do mine ahead of time usually the weekend after Thanksgiving, especially ones that I need to write notes.  I do have several family members that send nice letters about their past year.  I personally enjoy reading those letters.  It’s not fun to have to stress about getting out the Christmas cards.  I got 2 last year on the 27th December doesn’t seem very festive.

I was not always this organized in 1998 I couldn’t get to shopping until December 15th.  4 kids, my husband’s family,  in-laws, sisters, parents…I thought I was going to have a breakdown.  Husband and I stayed up until 4 am Christmas morning putting together toys and wrapping, kids were up at 5:30 am and a dinner to cook for 15 people.  It was the worst Christmas I can remember, I was exhausted and stressed.  I never did it that way again.  And I can say I love the Christmas season enjoyed with family and friends.

So with the Holiday Season upon us , take a bit of time to enjoy it.

Donate your time or to a local charity, that’s what it’s all about after all:)