I like beef.  There I said it.  I enjoy a really good steak.

Organic Porter house steak

Organic Porter house steak

I had stopped buying meat at the grocery store sadly it was gross.  But we are meat eaters, trying cut out meat of my family diet was met with rebellion and anarchy.  I choose my battles.  But it’s near impossible to find a decent steak at the grocery store, never mind the pink slime in the  hamburg issue:(

Maine boasts the longest running agricultural fair in the United States…

The Skowhegan Fair 196 years

Skowhegan Fair

Skowhegan Fair

And a close second is the Fryeburg fair at 163 years (which is my favorite)

Fryeburg Fair

Fryeburg Fair

These agricultural fairs have some of the finest animals the state has to offer.  4-H kids show off their grain fed beef, lamb pigs and goats then they are auctioned off to the highest bidder.

15 or so years ago, my ex-husband and I would buy a 4-H cow at the fair every September.  Not only did we know how the cow was fed and raised but the money would go to a great cause.  Farming and agriculture.

Having meat available was so easy when the kids were young and a 1/2 cow would last us 1 year (we split the cow with my brother and sister in-law)

So after  10 years of not ordering a cow I have ordered one and I’m really excited.

It cost me $3.50 a pound….Astonishing isn’t it!  The worst hamburg in my grocery store is 3.69 per pound (and I know it has pink slime in it)  and Filet or Porter House steaks are $8-12 per pound on sale and to be honest it tastes like cardboard.

The hardship is paying up front, this cow is 450 lb hanging weight  (our 1/2) at $3.50 per pound = $1575.00

You think I’m crazy?  But I sat down and did the math

2-3 meat meals a week = $31.38 a week x 52 weeks = $1631.76 a year

I’m saving around 100.00 a year.

And the meat I purchased is certified organic with no antibiotic or hormones and no pink slime!  Grass and grain fed and humanly butchered.

And from my local butcher I also got soup bones for stock and dog bones for the dog.  I can tell you Blue is in heaven and I have started making batches of beef stock for the year.

And did you know real beef is purple?  Not pink?

80/20 Hamburg

These are both 80/20 can you see the MAJOR difference?

All kidding aside, if you get the chance to buy locally owned raised organic beef I highly recommend giving it a try.

In our area there are beef farmers that are certified organic that you can order from by the week or month.   It’s a bit more expensive however the meat is so much better and you are supporting a local business.

And to all my vegetarian friends, don’t hate I love my veggies too:)

~Real Housewives of Maine