The way life should be….

Monthly Archives: September 2014

Brown Paper wrapingI recently sent my son to a birthday party with a gift wrapped in brown paper.  The mother came to me when I picked him up and asked me where she could get that kind of paper?  I had to laugh because she is not the only one that has asked me.

For years I have been ordering from Amazon and they package with brown paper in their boxes.  In a panic one day because 3 kids had 3 separate birthday parties to attend, I ran out of wrapping paper.  We were late and had no time to get a bag or new paper.  I had just order something from Amazon and the box was open on the table.  I had remembered something from childhood.  A very old Great, great-aunt would wrap our presents in butcher paper (this would have been 1975 and she was nearing 100)

I grabbed the paper from the box and wrapped the 2 present left.  The kids were horrified!

I used some twine and picked up a leaf that had turned color because it was fall and tied it to the twine.

At this point my kids were mortified!

I thought it looked pretty awesome, and was totally proud of myself!

Since that day forward I have wrap most of my kids birthday presents in this brown paper and a lot of their Christmas presents, it brings me back to my childhood.  And it also save a ton of money with birthdays and Christmas wrapping paper is expensive for 5 kids!

My youngest son could care less what the presents are wrapped in and thinks its funny that the other mom’s think it’s……….His words “Martha Stewarty”

If you wanted to get real crafty, add a few stamps like Happy Birthday, Baby shower etc.

So next time you order from Amazon, think about recycling that brown paper.

~The real housewives of Maine~