I have posted  a couple of times on my blog about my grandmothers cast iron fry pan.

It’s one of my prized possessions, not because it’s worth anything but because she used it, touched it, and cook for her family with it.

I can’t rightly recall how I ended up with it?  Must have been in the early 90’s when my mother was cleaning out to move…..But I have used it ever since.

It’s 94 years of seasoning, it’s something you cannot buy.

Cast iron fry pan

My Mim’s cast iron fry pan









I have cooked biscuits in it, fried eggs, made hash browns, gravy, and corn bread. I was taught to make corn bread in this pan, and didn’t know that;

1) They made corn bread mix in a box.


2) That you made it in a baking pan.

So when I would show up to parties with my corn bread in a skillet people would ask me if I had been watching too much Martha Stewart?  And I would say Noooo, this is the way I was taught, how else do you make corn bread?

Strangers have emailed me for the recipe and gone out and purchased a cast iron pans for corn bread.  I think I may have started a craze:)

My second favorite pan is this one.

Cast iron crepe pan

Crepe pan

My $2.99 Goodwill find.  A  brand new Lodge Crepe pan.

Crepes are big in Canada, they are eaten with almost every meal, like bread in the US.   In Northern Maine crepes are eaten with Jelly, butter, syrup.  Stuffed with cheese, vegetables and meat.  They are like a very thin pancake.  And amazingly delicious!

However I am not french and did not grow up making these.  So I bought the pan thinking I would use it for bacon, but have in the last 10 years have used it almost every morning for omelets.  It is a perfect pan for a 2 egg omelet. And it took me just as long to perfect an omelet…

And this is the Granddaddy of them all, my 14″ cast iron fry pan bought at an auction for$5.00.  I use this for fried chicken and large batches of frying.

Cast iron fry pan

14″ fry pan

Cast iron is healthier to cook with.

1) It’s iron, the iron goes in the food your cooking, very good for you

2) It has no chemical like non stick pans

3) If you season it right you need very little oil to cook with, under a teaspoon for no stick.

4) You will never have to lift weights again, cast iron is heavy:)

Don’t ever wash your pans with soap! You can scrub them off with water and then oil then down after. Soap takes off all the oil that the pan retains.

I normally just use a paper towel to wipe it out and when I use again heat before using, it kills all the germs.

I know that goes against the grain but I’ve been using my pans this way for years and nothing in the form of food poisoning or botulism has ever happened.

So try a cast iron fry pan.

~The Maine way~