The way life should be….

Monthly Archives: February 2014

My husband has always wanted a lemon tree.  Maine is not conducive to growing a tender lemon tree outside.

I told him I would try to grow one inside.  He just rolled his eyes.

My green thumb is not what it should be.   So unless it’s a very hardy plant I will most likely kill it:(

I watched a couple of You Tube video’s….

It didn’t look that hard…

I did what it said I should do….


Nothing…….For 3 weeks…….Nothing.

So I thought I killed the seed and chalked it up to, “Oh Well I tried:)”

But this morning is my sleepy haze as I fumble for my coffee cup I see it, a little tiny sprout.

I rubbed my eyes several times and it was still there…

I’m so proud…It lived!!!

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To be continued…….

I am not a craft person by nature, but enjoy easy crafting such as this little project.

I belong to a Facebook community yard sale in my area.   A friend of mine had 5 apothecary jars for sale for 15 dollars.  They were just the right size for spices so I bought them.

I had been looking for a while, but I just couldn’t find ones that I liked so I waited and my patience paid off.

I had some oval sticker from Avery left over from one of the kids projects.

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And chalkboard paint left over from?……..It’s been in the barn for a while, (a while meaning a good 5+ of years)  I didn’t think the paint was any good but it was….

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I sprayed one even coat and let dry.

They came out amazing!

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Not only did I get them on the cheap….My spice rack is much more organized.

And this project only took about 20 min from start to finish.

And that makes me a happy Maine Mom:)

I am not a sweet lover.  There I’ve said it out loud…..

I don’t like cake, I don’t like candy, and I hate soda…

So when my doctor said my cholesterol is 317 and it was abnormally high for my age I had to really start watching what I ate.  She suggested steel-cut oatmeal.

I don’t like oatmeal either….

I started having nightmares of my mother forcing me to eat slop style oatmeal with maple syrup, brown sugar and the nightmarish, apple jelly….YUK!

I’m an adult now and don’t have to eat anything I don’t want to, right?

So I started eating brown rice risotto for breakfast with an egg.  My cholesterol went down but not enough that my doctor wasn’t giving me the evil eye and giving me lectures on the benefits of cholesterol drugs. 

I’m to young for cholesterol drugs….

So one morning I thought to myself “why couldn’t you make risotto style oatmeal?”  Well that’s all it took.

I love this! And eat it most mornings.  I make a huge batch on Sundays and reheat throughout the week.

Don’t be put off by the long cooking time, like a said make ahead and you can enjoy it all week


1 cup steel-cut oatmeal

1 small onion chopped

1 cup sliced mushrooms

1/2 tbsp coconut oil

1/4 cup vermouth (optional)

3 cup beef broth

Salt and pepper to taste (optional)

In a large pot.  Sauté onion and mushroom in coconut oil for 2 minutes.  Add vermouth reduce for 1 min add oatmeal and stir.  Add broth bring to a boil, stir, cover and cook 30 min on simmer.

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Add a poached egg for a perfect breakfast.

If you like living on the edge….Add a tablespoon of shredded Parmesan cheese!

~The Maine way

I love this dusting spray.  It can easily be  made with products you probably have in your pantry or cupboard

It smell fresh and clean and really works great on furniture, old and new.waxing 006

You will need:

1 c. water

1/4 vinegar

2 tsp. olive or grape seed oil

10 drops of lemon essential oil

Spray bottle

Mix together shake well before using.

This wonderful concoction cost only .22 a bottle.

Use with a soft rag for optimum clean and shine..

~The way life should be

This is going to be a before and after photo of how fast the weather changes in Maine.

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Today is sunny and 40 degrees, sweatshirt weather for us real Mainers.

I just saw the boys at the farm in just chamois shirts working the cows…It’s not cold at all, really:) Beautiful clear blue sky.

Tomorrow is going to be ridiculous.

There is a saying “That if you can drive 80 mph in blinding snow storm you must be from Maine.”  This is absolutely true statement.  As long as there is no ice, snow makes ice really icy.

And this is where the problems start.

Warm beautiful days like Monday, create melting and melting runs into the road and sometime around midnight it will freeze.  At about 2am the snow starts and by 7am traffic there is a car off the road every 50 yards.  Making it just hell to try to get anywhere.

And snow is hard work too….We are lucky to have snow removal equipment at our house, but I still know people who shovel their driveways by hand….It is a work out!!

And the kids didn’t have school yesterday….Enough said about that!

48 hours and 14″ of snow later, my back hurts and I need to get out of the house to do something other than to shovel and move snow:)

Uhmmm, I think I might go to the bank, Hannafords and maybe sit in traffic…….

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