I can make a pot of popcorn!

Just ask all the neighborhood kids.  Its easy and it’s way better for you and your kids than anything you can buy pre-packaged

Ingredients:real housewives popcorn 001

2tbs coconut oil (or whatever oil you have on hand)

1/2 cup popcorn kernels (this is approximate) make sure the kernels are a single layer on the bottom of the pot.

Add oil to a deep pot turn heat to high and add kernels and cover.  When popping starts, pop for about 45 seconds or until it’s 2-3 seconds in between pops.

Put into a bowl put on you favorite topping i.e. real butter and salt.

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I can make 2 large bowls of popcorn for around .29 cents including butter and salt.

That is a cheap, snack….

~The way life should be